A new year is approaching, 2018 will be just as you dream and you have to know how!

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Every December 31 we celebrate a series of events that have already happened, good or bad, and have already happened. All 31 you receive with joy and sometimes nostalgia, a new year that will always involve 365 opportunities and here we want to tell you how to transcend everything that has already happened in 2017 and achieve an open 2018, to achieve all the good things that you deserve.

In this new entry we want to tell you a series of rituals for the new year, they are basic and powerful.

For any of the rituals you select, you can do them all, you must perceive life with gratitude and deservingness, be aware that everything extraordinary that life has is also for you and that you are worthy of accessing it.

It doesn't matter if it is material or not, you have and will have unlimited access.

Ritual of fire, words and gratitude



  • Paper sheet.
  • Pen or Pencil.
  • Matches, candle or lighter.
  • Glass jar (optional).

Take a piece of paper and write there everything that happened in 2017, positive or negative; then put the leaf in a glass jar and put matches to burn it, you can also do it with a candle (preferably new). While doing the burning, repeat the following mantra 3 times or more: “thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you .” You don't say it to anything or anyone in particular, only to the energy that is present there, to the thoughts that cross your mind, to the emotions that you notice.

Abundance ritual


  • Grains and seeds.
  • Bill of any denomination.



On December 31st, have all kinds of grains and seeds in your celebration location, but always be aware of the purpose of abundance that this will imply, also take a bill and decree that you will never lack money in 2018, always keep it in your wallet In a pocket where you don't normally keep money, if you have to spend it for some reason, you replenish it as soon as possible.


Cleansing ritual


On January 1st, consume a lot of healthy, unprocessed food, free of chemicals and, if possible, no animal products: meat, dairy products, eggs, etc.

You can also do a cleanse with detox juices or with water, baking soda and lemon; all with the purpose of alkalizing the body.

Throughout January 1, do between 3 and 6 meditations throughout the day, at least 5 minutes each, during these periods of time you will close your eyes and observe your thoughts, you can do it with meditation and relaxation music.

At the beginning of the day and at the end of it, take a bath with a new soap, your favorite brand or fragrance, always aware that you are leaving behind all traces of physical, material, mental, emotional and spiritual dirt.

Ritual of merit



  • Paper sheet
  • Pen or pencil

From gratitude and awareness of deservingness, make a wish list of everything you want to achieve on an emotional, spiritual, intellectual and material level in 2018. Always have this list on hand so you can review it throughout the year; In 2019, look at what you achieved and what you didn't and what were the possible causes for it.

The purpose of these rituals is to provide you with tools so that everything you dream of materializes from being, intention and desert.

Happy New Year, we wish you love, tranquility and faith in yourself. In 2018 we will come with much more content like this.

37 thoughts on “A new year is approaching, 2018 will be just as you dream and you have to know how!

Olga Lucía

Mi ritual es tan sencillo como despertarme temprano en la mañana el 31de Diciembre y dar gracias a Dios, dar gracias a la vida por todo los maravilloso que me ha dado durante el año que termina. Siempre agradecida y siempre positiva ante la vida!… Lo malo lo dejo en el pasado.

December 30, 2017 at 13:25pm
Geraldin Cifuentes Casallas

En mi familia, muy tradicional se hacen los rituales mas conocidos, el baño de limpieza con hierbas hasta a uno lo bañan con esos, el comer 12 uvas y pedir algo especial por cada una de ellas, las lentejas en los bolsillos y un billete de cualquier valor para no pasar el nuevo año sin dinero, y una costumbre muy estraña para mi es que te leen el huuevo! Si el huevo, cada uno escoge un huevo, y mi tía la mayor de todos le hace un huquito, deja salir el huevo y al caer al posillo según como caiga te leen lo que traerá el nuevo año!

December 30, 2017 at 13:16pm
Lecsy K'arolina Duart Rojas

Mi ritual y q recomiendo es tomar 3 papas y una pelarla completa la siguiente a medio pelar y la tercera totalmente con cáscara las dejo bajo el colchón durante el día y al llegar la media noche meto la mano con un trapo y tomo una de las papas y depende de la saqué será como me irá con el dinero.. toda pelada es nada de dinero… Medio pelar , poco dinero y la q está con toda la cáscara significa mucha abundancia… Pruébalo!!

December 30, 2017 at 13:13pm
Derly Rivera Bernal

Mis rituales para fin de año son: Dar feliz año de primero a un hombre, exparcir lentejas por todos los rincones de mi casa y dar el feliz año con un billete nuevo de cualquier denominación doblado en la mano derecha y luego guardarlo en la billetera.

December 30, 2017 at 13:11pm
Tatiana Estrada

Para despedir el año aconstumbro a ir a algún sitio donde pueda encontrar cascadas, y siempre en una botellita o en un barquito e papel escribo todas las cosas que no quiero repetir para el próximo año… que el agua se lleve todo lo malo y llegue lo nuevo ☺️☺️☺️

December 30, 2017 at 13:05pm

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